10 mysterious things on Earth

First 5 are from India and the other 5 are from various parts of the world.
  1. Floating Stone - Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu
Some stones found around the Rameshwaram region tends to float when put on water instead of drowning. They look like a normal stone.
According to Ramayana, to go to Lanka, Rama’s army built a floating bridge using stones from Rameshwaram to Sri Lanka across Palk Strait. The bridge is known as Rama Setu or Adam’s Bridge.
2. Hanging Pillar - Lepakshi, Andhra Pradesh
This temple dedicated to Lord Shiva is among the most mysterious places in India, owing to its famous floating pillar.
Among the 70 pillars at the site, one is hanging in mid-air, that is, it exists without a support. People come to the temple and pass objects under the pillar, believing it’ll bring prosperity into their lives!
3. Aliens? - Kongka La Pass, Ladakh
At an elevation of 16,970 feet, the Kongka La Pass is one of the least accessed place in India, owing to the fact that is a disputed territory between India and China.
A number of UFOs as well as strange figures of humanoidshave been sighted there, according to many reports. So much so that the locals living around strongly believe that the area is home to aliens.
4. Red Rain - Idukki, Kerela
On 25 July, 2001 all the residents of Idukki were left shocked when they witnessed that the rain was unusually red in colour. This occurred sporadically for 2 months, staining clothes and buildings as it poured. This blood-red downpour, when collected by the locals, turned into clean water with red particles settled at the bottom.
5. Twins Village - Kodinhi Village, Kerela
India has one of the lowest rate of twin birth rate among all the countries, but a Village in Kerela is defying this. Kodinhi village is like a normal Village but the unsual thing about this place is that most of the people have an identical twin.
In fact, it is reportedly stated that there are more than 400 pairs of twins in the village. This village is also know as Twin Town.
6. Patamoskiy Crater - Siberia
The Patomskiy crater is a strange rock formation in Siberia. Not only is it odd looking, but it also seems to have a strange effect on anyone who comes near it. Many people who are investigating or photographing the strange crater have reported feeling sick and it is even rumored that people who have gotten too close to the crater have disappeared. Animals that live in the forest around the crater will not venture close to it and there is evidence that it was once a highly radioactive area
7. Malasiya Airline Flight 370
One of the most recent and most baffling mysteries is that of Malaysia Airline Flight 370 which disappeared in 2014 and still has not been found. Planes go down and disappear from time to time, but debris usually shows up a few days later. That isn't the case for this one. Some debris have been found that experts say may have belonged to the plane, but it had not been confirmed. If the plane did crash, it is unknown where or why. The disappearance is still under investigation, but so far there have been no clues as to what happened to the missing plane.
8. SS Ourang Medan
The SS Ourang Medan sent out a distress signal picked up by the American ships in 1948. The signal explained that everyone on the ship was dead and at the end of the signal the messenger even sent out the code for “I Die.” This was the last signal received from the ship. When rescuers boarded the ship they found the crew just as described, dead. Each one had an awful grimace on his face that suggested they all died in a terrifying or painful way. There was nothing to suggest how they all died. Theories range from improperly contained chemical onboard to an alien attack.
9. Mary Reeser - St. Petersburg, Florida
67-year-old Mary Reeser had fallen asleep while smoking a cigarette in her chair, groggy from the two Seconal tablets she had taken earlier, and accidentally set herself alight and ultimately burned to death in July 1951 in St. Petersburg, Florida. Numerous writers and researchers states that the fact that all that remained of Reeser was a foot, a skull fragment, and a piece of her spine, as well as only the springs of the chair she sat on, would have meant the fire would have to have burned at an intensely high heat. There should have been damage throughout the building, and in all likeliness, the fire would have spread.
Frederick Valentich was an experienced pilot, with over 150 hours of air time. He was flying a Cessna 182L light aircraft on a perfectly clear day with no wind, perfect visibility and no technical problems, when suddenly he disappeared without a trace. His disappearance that left authorities puzzled. A search and rescue mission was sent out only minutes after the plane disappeared from radar, however there was no trace of the plane. All Cessena aircrafts are meant to stay afloat for up to an hour after crashing in water.
Perhaps the strangest detail of the disappearance is that only minutes before he crashed, Valentich reported that he was staring down an UFO. His last, vaguely unsettling message was: “It’s not an aircraft.”


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