Things that are not worth the efforts of Mine.

Toxic people: Whether they are childhood friends or your family. Nobody deserves to put you down. Nobody deserves to make you feel like trash.

People pleasing: You don’t have to make everyone like you. You can refuse to help, answer or reply, it’s your time. You shouldn’t be available 24/7.

Meaningless work: How long will you stay in that dead-end job? You only get one life. It would be a shame to spend it on building someone else's dreams.

Excessive Guilt: Didn’t exercise? Didn’t do what you said? It’s okay. You are already good enough. Beating yourself up is never a steady motivator.

Comparing yourself: You are a different person on a different journey. So will be your life, health, relationships. Don’t compare your chapter 1 with someones chapter 52.

Perfectionism: So what if you can’t do it right? You don’t have to do everything perfectly. Imperfect action is always greater than no action.

Pretending: Be yourself. You don’t have to be someone to be liked by people. There are plenty of people who will like you for you. Go find them.

Complaining: Yes, it isn’t fair. Yes, it sucks. But bitching about it won’t change a thing. What can you do to make it better?

Bad content: Watching stuff that makes you feel bad. Sad songs, negative news, bad movies, etc. Believe it or not, they all play out in your mind unconsciously.

Social media: Why do you need XYZ person to like your post? Do you need to get approval from people you hate? Chasing likes is never a good thing.


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