Greek Mythology : Kairos

KAIROS - according to ancient Greek's comprehension the God of the "fleeting moment", a favorable opportunity opposing the fate of man. This favorable moment must be grasped by his tuft of hair, otherwise the moment flies away without return and cannot be caught any more ...
This flying creature - being always in constant hurry - is best described in the verses of the poet Posidippos from the 3rd century B.C.:
- Where does the sculptor come from?
- What's his name?
- Who are you?
- Why do you walk on tiptoe?
- And the wings on your feet?
- Why do you clench the razor in your right hand?
- Why does the tuft of hair fall on your forehead?
- Why are you bald in the back?
- Why did the artist create you?
- From Sikyon.
- Lysippos.
- Kairos. I surmount everything.
- I am always in a hurry.
- I am quicker than the wind.
- To tell people I am sharper than the tip of the knife.
- Everybody who comes in front of me should grasp it.
- Who I overfly can never catch me again, no matter how he longs for it.
- To remind people, stranger!
Because of that I am a moral to everybody in this hall.


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