The Voynich Manuscript

It’s a book, dated around the early 15th century, that is written entirely in an unknown alphabet, and quite possibly language.
Along with words, there are also strange diagrams such as the one above, most of which depict people. The book has pictures of strange plants, though some people have made guesses to what the pictures are actually of.
While there were claims by a man named Nicholas Gibbs of having cracked it (he claimed it was a plagiarized women’s health manual), he was disproven within a couple weeks. Nobody has ever cracked the code, despite many professional cryptographers trying.
There are also several pages like this, where it’s actually a folded sheet. These generally seem to depict something akin to celestial bodies, so they may have something to do with astronomy or zodiac signs.
There are plenty of theories out there about what the book is, and many claim it’s just a very old hoax. Personally, I think it’s a grimoire of sorts, depicting complex rituals worshiping some sort of deity. The plants depicted could be some now extinct herbs, used as offerings to the gods, and as materials for some rituals. This would explain why it’s written in such a strange alphabet, as a disguise so nobody can find out about whatever things were being worshiped. But hey, that’s just my thoughts, I’m probably wrong anyways.
This will likely never be cracked, due to the nature(Ha, the book is probably about plants) of the mystery.
The three articles I used for researching this article are :


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