Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of human spirit..

Forget about 7 wonders of the world…
Forget about every amusement park , every artificial enjoyment..
Brace yourself because you're going on a serene trip to best scenic places..
Try to visit these atleast once in your life!
These places will force your soul to say the word “WOW!”
Jiuzhaigou Valley
Jiuzhaigou is renowned for its scenic and aesthetic majesty. Its fairyland landscape of numerous lakes, waterfalls, and limestone terraces, with their attractive, clear, mineral-rich waters, set in the spectacular alpine mountains with a highly diverse forest ecosystem, demonstrates remarkable natural beauty.
Stretching over 72,000 ha in the northern part of Sichuan Province, the jagged Jiuzhaigou valley reaches a height of more than 4,800 m, thus comprising a series of diverse forest ecosystems. Its superb landscapes are particularly interesting for their series of narrow conic karst land forms and spectacular waterfalls. Some 140 bird species also inhabit the valley, as well as a number of endangered plant and animal species, including the giant panda and the Sichuan takin.
The Jiuzhaigou Valley is a reserve of exceptional natural beauty with spectacular jagged alpine mountains soaring above coniferous forest around a fairyland landscape of crystal clear, strange-coloured blue, green and purplish pools, lakes, waterfalls, limestone terraces, caves and other beautiful features.
Let me take you somewhere high..
Wulingyuan is an island of nature within a heavily populated agricultural region. A spectacular area stretching some 26,400ha in China’s Hunan Province, the site is dominated by more than 3,000 narrow quartz sandstone pillars, many over 200m high.
Nestled within its towering peaks lie ravines and gorges with streams, pools and waterfalls, two large natural bridges, and some 40 caves. Impressive calcite deposits are a notable feature within these caves. In addition to the striking beauty of the landscape, including spectacular jagged stone peaks, luxuriant vegetation cover and clear lakes and streams, the region is also home to a number of endangered plant and animal species.
These, coupled with other land forms (natural bridges, ravines, waterfalls, streams, pools and caves) and dense broadleaf forest, present an aesthetically beautiful landscape enhanced by the mists and clouds which frequently shroud the site.
Grand Prismatic Spring
Extremely hot water travels 121 feet from a crack in the Earth to reach the surface of the spring.
The third largest spring in the world, the Grand Prismatic is bigger than a football field at 370 feet in diameter. A gridiron is 360 feet long and 160 feet wide.The hot spring has bright bands of orange, yellow, and green ring the deep blue waters in the spring. The multicolored layers get their hues from different species of thermophile (heat-loving) bacteria living in the progressively cooler water around the spring. And the deep blue center? That’s because water scatters the blue wavelengths of light more than others, reflecting blues back to our eyes.
What living thing in Yellowstone has helped investigators solve crimes and NASA search for extraterrestrial life on seemingly inhospitable planets? Heat-loving microbes living in the Yellowstone's thermal pools. In 1968, researcher Thomas Brock discovered a microbe living in one of Yellowstone’s extremely hot springs.
La Gran Sabana
The Gran Sabana is one of the most impressive places of the Venezuelan territory, is located in the Canaima National Park, here are some of the oldest formations of the earth, including Tepuyes that surround part of the Gran Sabana. This vast region of ancient lands have been eroded far beyond a cannon, so that what now remains of the original height of the earth look like mountains, the highlands are called Tepuyes.
The natural serenity of the past comes alive between the savannas and forests. The waterfalls and cascades to flood our thoughts. Enjoy the charm and the immense potential this on earth. The Gran Sabana is surrounded by beautiful waterfalls and wells, each with its own history with magic and mysticism. The weather is nice and fresh. This is a unique experience filled with magic and beauty.
Feeling hot ..eh?
The Himalayas
Known for its orchards, scenic vistas, and monasteries; surrounded by snowcapped ranges. It's a whole different world to discover. The picturesque and breathtaking view of the Himalayas is just serene.The valleys are an amazing treat where you would become the element of the ceaseless picture exclusive of any sort of infringement.
The Great Barrier Reef
the Great Barrier Reef is blessed with the breathtaking beauty of the world’s largest coral reef. The reef contains an abundance of marine life and comprises of over 3000 individual reef systems and coral cays and literally hundreds of picturesque tropical islands with some of the worlds most beautiful sun-soaked, golden beaches.Because of its natural beauty, the Great Barrier Reef has become one of the worlds most sought after tourist destinations.
A visitor to the Great Barrier Reef can enjoy many experiences including snorkelling, scuba diving, aircraft or helicopter tours, bare boats (self-sail), glass-bottomed boat viewing, semi-submersibles and educational trips, cruise ship tours, whale watching and swimming with dolphins.
That's all for now!
Hope you had an amazing experience!


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