The Best feeling in Life

Tom and Delma met in Jackson lake in their early 20s, there was no fireworks or marching bands but at the end of the night of their first date when Tom reached over, grabbed her hand, kissed her on her cheek and promised to never let go. They knew that they were meant to be together.
Days turned to weeks and weeks to months, months to years and years into 62 years.
With two daughters, seven grandchildren and seven great grandchildren life was complete and they knew they were now at stage where life stops giving and starts taking away.
Come April Delma fell ill,
Tom also a couple days later
The nursing home pushed their beds together and Tom reached over and grabbed Delma's hand keeping his promise to never let go.
They died 90 minutes apart from each other.
This has got to be the best feeling in the world, to live and die with love.


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