Extremely Scary Facts

Known as one of the most illegal places one could (but really shouldn't) visit, Poveglia Island sits just off the coast of northern Italy near Venice.
Despite the fact that it is illegal to visit Poveglia, thrill-seekers continue to consider it a cool, albeit creepy destination; however, everyone who has taken the chance of stepping foot on the island has left with absolutely no desire to ever return.
Here is a collection of some bone-chilling facts about this infamous Italian island.
1. It Was The Island Where Plague Sufferers Were Taken To Die
During the Roman Empire, the island was used to house victims of the plague in order to protect the rest of the country, forcing inflicted people to live and die in isolation.
Many of those people who showed the slightest sign of infection, but had not actually been infected with the plague at all, were literally dragged to Poveglia and dumped atop piles of rotting corpses.
2. The Very Soil Has Turned Rotten
More than 50 percent of the island's soil is composed of human ash.
Yes - over thousands of years that is just how many people have perished and rotted on the nightmarish island.
3. Doctors Tortured Their Patients On Poveglia
Poveglia legend tells of a particularly demented doctor who worked at the island's mental hospital. His notorious experiments on patients are shocking, the darkest of which he executed at hospital's bell tower.
Karma eventually caught up with the wicked doctor. Eventually, he lost his mind and climbed to the top of the bell tower and flung himself to his death below.
4. Some Say Their Screams Are Still Heard Today
Many believe that hundreds of thousands of tormented souls still remain trapped on Poveglia Island. A sense of sorrow and suffering continues to permeate from the island to this day.
In fact, it has even been said that you can still hear their screams.
5. Illegal Thrill Seekers Report A Frightening Presence
One thing visitors report experiencing is the sensation of being watched. Others report being scratched and pushed by invisible forces.
Some entities have even been said to push visitors into walls or chase them down corridors.
6. Charred Human Bones Still Wash Up On Poveglia's Shore
With more than 100,000 plague victims and mental patients buried on the small island of Poveglia, it is no surprise that human bones continue to wash up on its shores.
7. An Evil Doctor Sounds A Ghostly Bell Each Night
Locals to this day claim that the demented doctor’s spirit is still in the tower and will remain there forever and that on a quiet night, if you are listening closely, you can hear him ring the tower bell.
8. The Daughter Of The Island's Owner Had Her Face Ripped Apart During Terrifying Night On Poveglia
Years after Poveglia Island's mental hospital was shut down, a family decided to purchase the island, intending to build a private holiday home there. The very first night was filled with such horrors that within hours the family fled, never to return.
They reported that their daughter's face was nearly ripped off by an angry resident entity.
9. A Menacing Voice Orders Visitors To Leave And Not Return
Amid the numerous reports from illegal visitors is the story of a curiosity thrill-seeker who went to Poveglia with a group of friends. Upon entering the abandoned mental hospital, the illegal tourist reported a heavy sense of dread descend around them, followed by a deep voice that warned:
"Leave immediately and do not return." The visitors immediately complied.
10. And finally, Today It Is Illegal To Visit The Island Of Poveglia
Poveglia holds the dubious distinction of being listed as one of the world's most illegal places to visit.
Even though trespassers know that they will be sternly prosecuted under Italian law, bold, curious, and perhaps fool-hardy travelers from all over the world continue to explore the paranormal possibilities by visiting the island illegally.

Just in case you're curious, the island’s still on sale.
Stay Safe!


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