Sounds Wrong but true....

1-What’s in a name?
Botanically, strawberry is not a berry but watermelonpumpkins, bananas, and avocados are.
2- Are you sure about Geography?
How do you guys picture Antarctica as? A land covered with thick layers and layers of ice.
Well, despite its thick ice, Antarctica is classified as a desert because so little moisture falls from the sky.
Heroin was used as a medicine.
It was once used by Bayer as a cough,cold and pain remedy that too in kids. It was sold as an over-the-counter remedy for coughs in the early 1900s.
4-Everything has an expiry date….Nope
Honey never spoils.
Even 32,000 years old honey can be eaten(Don’t want to though). The oldest edible honey found was 5,500 years old.
5-OK!My childhood memories are ruined
Disney doesn’t portray the truth always. It’s about sugar.
In the “fairy tale”Sleeping Beauty was actually raped!
In Giambattista Basile's version of Sleeping Beauty, the sleeping beauty is named as Talia. Her “prince” apparently raped her while she was asleep.
6-The unfortunate planet
Pluto never made a full orbit around the sun as a 'planet'!!!
It was declassified as a planet before it could complete any full orbit.


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