Greek Mythology : The Myth Of Helios And Clytie.

The myth begins with Clytie- a water nymph. Clytie, although being considered as one of the most beautiful water nymphs fell in love with Helios.
Helios, is the protagonist of this mythical romance. He is a handsome god, who was crowned with the shining aureole of the Sun. Bonus points: He drove the chariot of the sun across the sky each day to earth.
However, he didn't seem to notice her.
So, she did what most people would do- waitfor him to notice.
How, you ask ?
She stripped herself and sat naked ( excellent thinking; I must say¿ ) with neither food nor drink, for nine days on the rocks, staring at the sun, Helios, and mourning his departure.
After nine days she became a sunflower.
Legend has it that, even today sunflowers turn their heads towards the sun hoping, believing that Helios will notice them and fall in love with them.

Most of us do the same: we wait until tomorrow, until summer, until we are presented wih an opportunity, until we become one with the earth.
Dream big, work harder- you've got only a limited number of “untils” , that is until they are over.


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