Greek Mythology : Alcyone and Ceyx

Alcyone and Ceyx
Alcyone was the daughter of Aeolus, the god of the winds.* She was the wife of Ceyx, the King of Trachis.
Unlike many other mythological characters, Alcyone and Ceyx seemed to be pretty decent people. They loved each other. They ruled their kingdom wisely.
Unfortunately, as all mortals do in these stories, they made the gods angry. Zeus killed Ceyx with a thunderbolt while he was at sea. When Alcyone learned of his death she drowned herself out of grief.
Then the gods took pity on them. They were transformed into kingfishers.
Alcyone’s father, Aeolus, calms the storms on the sea for fourteen days a year so Alcyone can lay her eggs safely. This is the origin of the term halcyon days.
As far as Greek myths go, this is as close to a happy ending as you can get.
*He might have been the same character in the Odyssey. He traps all the unfavorable winds in a wineskin so Odysseus could sail home faster. His men are absolute idiots, so they open the skin just before reaching home and it blows them away again.

Sorry for any inconsistencies and mistakes that might exist in the story. I haven't read or studied mythology, I just know a couple of myths. If you spot mistakes in my blog, feel free to offer corrections.


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