Greek Mythology : Birth of Athena

One of my favorites has to be the birth of Athena and how she came to be.
Zeus was seeing Metis but one time he heard a prophesy that she will bear a child that would either be his favorite or his undoing. Out of fear he swallowed Metis not knowing she was already pregnant with their child.
So one day he experienced terrible headache so he asked Hephaestus to hit him in the head with a axe and the result was fully grown Athena a in full armor. The child ended up straight up daddy's girl extremely loyal to him and his favorite.
Prophesies in Greek mythology were always vague and uncertain , so Zeus was right to fear but in this particular case outcome worked out in his favor.
In general Athena has been one of my favorite Greek goddesses for being wise and strong, who stood for honor in war and not bloodlust like Ares.
Also I remember the myth of clash between her and Poseidon over patronage of the city of Athens and her giving the people small olive tree which gave people wood oil and food and over time became essential to region's economy, what a smart goddess.


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