The Black Taj Mahal - Unsolved mystery of India

The Black Taj Mahal!
Some people say that it's a myth. But hey! If it was that simple, I wouldn't be in my blog.
There have been some archaeological proofs stating that Shah Jahan wanted to build a black Taj Mahal on the other side of the river - the black one potraying him and the white one potraying his wife.
The white Taj Mahal would represent the most beautiful woman he had ever seen while the black one would represent a sad and depressed Shah Jahan which was his mental state after his wife passed away. He wanted to look at both the monuments at the same time. But unfortunatly, he ran out of treasure and had to stop the construction.
To even think of doing a project like this in the 17th century and the fact that he was able to build one of them is exceptional in itself. Even without the black one, it still remains one of the greatest marvels of mankind.


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