Muniba Mazari :- Legend on Wheelchair

I recently watched a video of a motivational speech by a beautiful lady which touched my heart. I think it's worth sharing.
She is a model.
She is an artist.
She is a television host.
She is a mother.
She is a philanthropist .
She is a motivational speaker.
She is the Iron lady of Pakistan.
She is a legend on wheelchair.
The story of Muniba Mazari really inspired me. Watching a forty-minute-long video on YouTube made me wonder why the people around the world regret and cry over the things they don't have ( I also occupy a dust space in that population).
When destiny made her paraplegic after an accident, she was just 21 years old. When she was bedridden for two years and more her mother lifted her up saying ‘This too shall pass, God has bigger plans for you.’
With her determination and courage, she became what is she now.
  • When doctors told she can't paint, she wanted to do it . It added more colours into her life.
  • When she felt her married life is no more happy, she divorced and became hero for herself.
  • When doctors told her she can't be a mother she didn't want to be an incomplete woman. She adopted a child.
  • Being wheel chair bound she feared of lack of acceptance. But she didn't subside. She became the first wheel chair ridden model.
When she feared facing crowd, she overcame it becoming a motivational speaker.
She says
“Some trials come to sort the life and people out. They break you, deform you and then transform you into the best version of you.”
She embraces the change that has occurred in her life,accepted it but never lived again simply crying over it. She turned adversities into opportunities.
That's right.
You don't want to be perfect for others. It's okay to be perfectly imperfect. You become perfect when you can make others smile, when you try to do good for people or when you feel somebody's pain.
See her smile,its contagious. It,s enough spread energy and spirits to the people around.
So be grateful to God for what you have. Welcome changes . Live for yourself. Discover the best version of you. Never die before your death.
Thanks for reading..
Must watch


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