You Should Know this

  1. Sending A Man To The Moon And Finding Osama Bin Laden Cost The Us Government About The Same Amount Of Time And Money : 10years And $100 Billion.
2. A space suit costs US $12 million.
3. The shell constitutes 12% of an eggs weight.
4. The average life span of a mosquito is 2 weeks.
5. Google intends to scan all known existing 129 million unique books before 2020.
6. In general 56% of the typing is completed by your left hand.
7. Taking cocaine increases the chance of having a heart attack within the hour by 2400 %.
8. Graphene, the worlds strongest material,is a million times thinner than paper but 200 times stronger than steel.
9. Alexander the great , napoleon, Mussolini , and hitler , all suffered from ailurophobia, the fear of cats.
10. Men can read smaller print than women, women can hear better than men.
11. The ZIP in zip code stands for zone improvement plan.
12. BLACK on YELLOW are the 2 colours with the strongest impact.
13. The Queen of the UK is the legal owner ofone – sixth of the earth’s land surface.
14. 37 % of the WEB is PORN.


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