Does money really buy happiness ?

1961 - Ernest Hemingway - $1.4 Million
2003 - Jonathan Wraith - $46 Million
2008 - David Foster Wallace - $5 Million
2014 - Robin Williams ~ $75 Million
2017 - Chester Bennington - $30 Million
If money really bought you happiness, then either these people did not have enough or they weren’t happy with what they had.
The five names above are just some of the names of millionaires who committed suicide, but the list of celebrities and millionaires who have faced Depression is far longer:
Adele, Beyoncé, Miley Cyrus, Emma Stone, Carrie Fisher, Jared Padalecki, Lady Gaga, Zayn Malik, Princess Diana, Prince Harry, Kristen Bell, Halle Berry, J.K. Rowling, Buzz Aldrin, Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Hugh Laurie, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Those names again only present a small number of known cases of Depression or of people that actually opened up about it, showing us that Depression and Suicide can hit anyone.

With these names on the table we can already see that money does not exempt you from being sad, meaning if money did really buy happiness, a lot of these rich and famous people have invested in the wrong things.
Most of us want money to buy happiness because it would make being happy such a linear path.
If money bought happiness we wouldn’t have to worry about how to be happy; our paths would be set.
However, the only thing that money really does is it makes things bigger.
Having more money only means you have more money available to spend on what you are already spending it on, but it will not change who you are and therefore not where you invest the money.
Meaning, unless you found out how to buy a little happiness now, more money will not change anything.

Happiness is something that comes from within.
Just as there are rich, depressed people, there are poor, happy people, showing that money is not the key to happiness, or even related.
You may feel better crying in a mansion than in a tent, but at the end, you are still crying, and you could laugh without either.


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