Hell on Earth

If there is one place that I will never visit, it has to be the Danakil Depression, one of the hottest, driest, and lowest places on Earth.
Sure, it make look alien and exotic in pictures, but that does not separate the fact of it’s 50 Celsius (122 F) degree weather year-round.
There are no roads, and the only source of water quickly evaporates once it flows into hot salt flats of the depression.
Nothing lives in this hellish landscape other than some salt miners, their camels and some single-celled-organisms.
The Gateway of Hell (My Blog on it :  The Door to The Hell) in Turkmenistan isn’t the only lava lake in the world, as the Danakil Depression has the oldest one in the world, Lake Erta Ale, which roughly translates to Smoking Mountain.
It has pools of Sulfuric Acid for crying out loud!
So while it may look pretty, I don’t want to travel to a area that should be on Venus, not Earth.


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