S.S. OURANG MEDAN, the ghost ship

“All Officers, including the Captain, are dead. Lying in chart room and bridge. Possibly whole crew dead. … I die.”
This was the radio message received by some ships in Straits of Malacca [1] in 1947–48. Some Morse codes were also there which couldn’t be deciphered.

S.S. OURANG MEDAN, the ghost ship.
The coordinates of the ship was calculated by the message, and was sent to the nearest ship, the SILVER STAR.
Captain of the SILVER STAR wasted no time, and within few hours they found the OURANG MEDAN.
They tried to contact the crew members of the ship, but there was no response, so they decided to board the OURANG MEDAN.
As soon as they boarded the ship, they saw the most horrific thing.
The deck of the ship was filled with dead bodies [2] .
The Captain’s body was there on the bridge. Bridge Officers bodies were there in the chart room. The Radio Operator, who sent the message, was found at his station [3] .
Even the dogs on the ship were dead.
There was something unusual.
Every face had the same expression.
Eyes wide-opened with fear, and twisted face because of terror.
The rescue members noticed something strange.
The temperature was more than 100°F, but it was cold inside the ship.
There were no signs of injuries on the bodies.
The bodies were decaying faster than they should be.
So, they decided to tow the ship to the port.
But as they attached the tow line to the OURANG MEDAN, smoke started coming out of it.
So they cut the tow line, and quickly boarded the SILVER STAR.
As soon as they boarded, the OURANG MEDAN exploded and soon disappeared beneath the water.
And with the ship, the biggest mystery went inside.

  • Some claimed that it was a ghost ship [4] .
  • Some claimed that the ship didn’t even exist.
  • Some claimed that the ship was carrying some biological weapons, which went horribly wrong.
  • Some claimed that the ship was attacked by some UFO.
Was it a real, or just a sea tale?
No one knows.
One of the greatest mysteries of all time, the OURANG MEDAN

1st image source:- S.S. Ourang Medan.
2nd image source:- The sudden loss.

The Four articles I used for researching this article are :


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